How many dentists has Dentistat approved?
Dentistat has credentialed over 180,000 dentists.
Who provides Dentistat with claim data?
Our data comes directly from our client's claims. We gather each client's data on a six month basis. We combine four 6-month segments into a “Big Mash”. The Big Mash is used to review utilization for a specific geographic area, individual dentist’s profile and more.
How does Dentistat perform Utilization Management?
Our staff reviews each applicant's utilization profile to determine whether they have an acceptable practice pattern. From there we continue to monitor the dentist’s Utilization profile on an ongoing basis.
Why is Utilization Management so important?
A strong Utilizaiton Management program is an effective, long-term cost control strategy for every dental business. A UM program can also help differentiate you from the competition.
Utilization x Dentist’s fee = Cost